Written by John "darK" Sampson for Michael "Zbad" Jennings
United Aerospace Union . News Report. 0200 hrs . March 16, 2164
Scientists have recently discovered a new planet beyond the UAU-owned planet, Centauri. The new planet, having been characterized by astronomers as a Earth-style habitat, capable of supporting life. Earth and the new planet are almost exactly alike in most geological aspects. Preliminary communication with the inhabitants of the planet have turned up only the name of the planet, Derovos, its two orbiting moons, Eden and Seri, and the name the race gives itself: Toxelons. Further communication was terminated after the basic transmission. The reason why Derovos was not discovered earlier still puzzles many scientists. Some theorize that the Toxelons are substantially advanced in technology and could have some how activated a force field of some sorts to block sensor arrays. The reason behind the Toxelons lowering such a device now is still beyond theory.
United Aerospace Union . News Report . 1400 hrs . March 19, 2164.
The United Aerospace Union and the Earth Defense Forces have cooperated to execute a basic new-discovery/ first contact mission to the Toxelons on new-found Derovos. Only the agreement to such a mission was the amount of communication from the Toxelons since first contact. The convoy, with 2 Defender Class starfighters and 3 Cansado Class shuttlecraft with diplomats, should arrive in Derovos space within next week. More theories to the Toxelon technology continue to grow as more data is retrieved. The convoy will hopefully shed some light on this mysterious planet and it's even more mysterious race.
United Aerospace Union . News Report . 0545 hrs . March 23, 2164.
The first contact mission, codenamed : Imperius, arrived into Derovoion space earlier. The 2 starfighers circled above while the Cansado class shuttles landed onto what appears to be the capital of the planet.
The arriving diplomats were greeted by the Toxelons and shown to temporary living space in the capital.
As data floods in from the convoy, scientists have put together a rough estimate of the Toxelonian technology. It appears to be quite close to our own status. The only scientist along on the convoy has
described the race's advances as "Quite substantial. A bare lower than ours but that's no matter! We have disovered a race almost equal to our own! This discovery is historical both in diplomatic and scientific matters." The convoy is expected to stay on Derovos for the next three days, gathering data and learning more about this curious race.
United Aerospace Union . News Report . 1215 hrs . March 27, 2164.
The Imperius convoy to Derovos will be leaving today with notebooks full of data and an overall good impression about the new-found race. The Toxelons themselves also appear pleased with the first meeting,
and proposed another in the new future. An overall scan of the planet by the orbiting Defender starships show that the military force behind the Toxelons is quite miminal. There is little or none airbases on each ontinent and no production of any starfighter of any kind seems to be existant. This should put a couple people to rest on the issue of an invasion. A major of the Earth Defense Force claimed any invasion would be, "No threat at all to the UAU or the EDF or even Earth itself. Besides, they appear to be a peaceful race and they know we're superior. Why would they invade us?"
In a related note citizens of Earth are enthusiastic about the new contact with the Toxelons. Crowds of people gathered around the monitors yesterday to watch the final meeting of the Earth and the Derovos diplomats. The convoy is expected to arrive in a week back home at Earth.
United Aerospace Union . Special News Flash . 1304 hrs . March 28, 2164.
A tradegy has occured in the first contact situation of the Derovosian inhabitants. While on-route back to
Earth from the apparently successful diplomatic mission, over thirty Toxelonian starfighters appeared behind the convoy and utterly annihlated each and everyone of the five craft. In the last subspace trasmission from the Defender class starfighter, the Toxelons had far more firepower than any race known
to mankind. The UAU could not locate any remains or debris from any of the destroyed EDF ships. May the 48 people who died rest in peace.
The President of the Earth Defense Force claimed a total retaliation will be immediate. The best nuclear and laser-based starcraft are being readied right at this moment. The President said the following in a press conference, " The attack on the Imperius convoy was cold-blooded not sudden. The pilots of the Defender's stood not one chance against what appeared to be a peaceful race! Over fifty warships were deployed against our convoy of five. This shows that this merciless race has more intentions than just making a statement. We are preparing for intergalactic war with these bastards, and let me tell you. We are gonna take 'em down." By this time tomorrow the strike mission named : Sword will be on its way to Derovos and will preceed with an immediate attack on the planet and all it's inhabitants. The warships that attacked the convoy appeared to come out of the former supply gate: Jump Point: Ion, that is stationed in orbit next to the EDF-controlled Centarui. Centauri is located approximately 13 lighyears from Earth but only 1 LY from Derovos. Centauri is the only planet in between Earth and Derovos. The Toxelon's apparently secretly overtook the Jump Point, but as Ion has more than one passageway, the source of the enemy warcraft is currently unknown. More information as it floods in.
United Aerospace Union . News Report . 1450 hrs . March 29, 2146.
The Sword strike team arrived in Derovos space today, and was met by a force of starfighters and warcraft with over twelve times the strength the Earth-based strike team. The enemy ships appeared through the Jump Point Ion in the Centarui System. The strike squadron's first attempt was to retake the stolen Ion, but the enemy fighters had greater strength. The entire strike mission was destroyed, over 35 Defenders, 60 Lancers, and the newly constructed capital ship, The Jet Eagle. Over a thousand pilots and crew members lives were lost in the utter defeat. Only one enemy starcraft was taken down, but no more data on that incident is possible. The Earth Defense Forces are down to half their original strength and are attempting to regroup with hope with more military data. But reported moments ago, the same squadron of enemy warcraft that defended the Earth attack have begun to fly towards Earth itself in an obvious counter-strike. The Earth Defense Forces are currently attempting to organize a defensive force to hold off the certain oncoming carnage.
Another major in the Earth Defence Force, Blood Squadron claimed the following, "We were stupid. That's what we were. We should have seen this coming!! We should have gone into strange territory with more than just what we could give! Hopefully we will do better when they come onto our turf!" Jump Point Ion continues to be under Toxelon control and as they continue to have Ion, it is impossible to determine where the ships are coming from . The reason behind the Toxelonian attack on the Imperius convoy is still a mystery. The Toxelons have cut all communications. The UAU estimates the Toxelonian attack force will arrive in the Earth's orbit in two days. The EDF is using that time wisely to prepare for the worst.
United Aerospace Union . Special News Flash . 0115 hrs . March 30, 2146.
In a horrifying moment, the Toxelonian strike came totally unexpected at midnight UAU time. The Earth Defense Forces, not expecting the attack till the first of April, had not established a strong enough defense to the bombardment.
The enemy warcraft began bombing and vaporizing random sections of each continent. No enemy forces have landed as of yet, only staying to the skies. The abrupt attack did not allow enough EDF fighter craft to take to the air before they were destroyed. ......